DECEMBER 31, 2019
At this time of year people often make 'New Year's Resolutions'. Gyms are full, diets are started, and even one's language may get cleaned up. Unfortunately, this self-willed motivation inevitably lasts a day or two, or perhaps some may attain success for a week. Why are these resolutions often short-term? We all want to eat better, live better, and be better people, but we can often find ourselves falling short all too quickly. We come to see that habits are difficult to break; to change.
The Bible teaches in Romans 3:23 that ALL have sinned and fall short of God's glorious standard. Jeremiah 17:9 tells us, "The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Who can understand it?" These verses lead me to believe that even our own motives/intentions shouldn't be trusted.
But the Lord God knows our hearts, he knows our struggles and he loves us anyway. We need His amazing grace and bountiful mercy. This need is true for all; it is no different for a man who has been released from prison. He may want to change. He may try with all his might to change, but unless the Lord is with him the odds are against him.
Can any of us change? I personally, was able to change only by coming to Christ; becoming a new creation. In addition, a man named Pastor Patton J. Colley willingly walked beside me and mentored me in my Christian faith. I am so thankful and blessed for the mercy of Jesus Christ in my life and for those that assisted (and are still assisting) me in my journey.
I am also grateful that God is using me to share messages of hope with gentlemen in the penitentiary and at Kingdom Boundaries. God is so wonderful and patient, not just with me, but with each man (and woman) leaving prison trying to live a better life. God continues to bring these men out of prison and into our care. And we faithfully walk alongside them and mentor them in the new chapter of their life.
But we can't do all this alone. It takes other believers who are willing to invest their time, their talents, and their treasures into the ministry, and into the lives of these men. We need to continue giving them a true opportunity to know the love of God, changing their lives and developing new habits; truly becoming "new creations in Christ".
So, what we are praying for is not just a new year's resolution, but a true lifestyle change. A new way to live with Christ at the center of everything we do and giving everything within us to him. May God bless you richly in this new calendar year!
Patrick Boll - Accountability Pastor
The Bible teaches in Romans 3:23 that ALL have sinned and fall short of God's glorious standard. Jeremiah 17:9 tells us, "The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Who can understand it?" These verses lead me to believe that even our own motives/intentions shouldn't be trusted.
But the Lord God knows our hearts, he knows our struggles and he loves us anyway. We need His amazing grace and bountiful mercy. This need is true for all; it is no different for a man who has been released from prison. He may want to change. He may try with all his might to change, but unless the Lord is with him the odds are against him.
Can any of us change? I personally, was able to change only by coming to Christ; becoming a new creation. In addition, a man named Pastor Patton J. Colley willingly walked beside me and mentored me in my Christian faith. I am so thankful and blessed for the mercy of Jesus Christ in my life and for those that assisted (and are still assisting) me in my journey.
I am also grateful that God is using me to share messages of hope with gentlemen in the penitentiary and at Kingdom Boundaries. God is so wonderful and patient, not just with me, but with each man (and woman) leaving prison trying to live a better life. God continues to bring these men out of prison and into our care. And we faithfully walk alongside them and mentor them in the new chapter of their life.
But we can't do all this alone. It takes other believers who are willing to invest their time, their talents, and their treasures into the ministry, and into the lives of these men. We need to continue giving them a true opportunity to know the love of God, changing their lives and developing new habits; truly becoming "new creations in Christ".
So, what we are praying for is not just a new year's resolution, but a true lifestyle change. A new way to live with Christ at the center of everything we do and giving everything within us to him. May God bless you richly in this new calendar year!
Patrick Boll - Accountability Pastor
God's grace offers us fresh starts.
DECEMBER 24, 2019
Our staff would like to wish you a great Christmas! You are a blessing to us!
Jeff, Rhonda, Patrick, Kevin, & Tim
God, thank You for being with me always, even when life's circumstances cause me to be uncomfortable.
Help me to be faithful to You.
Help me to be faithful to You.
DECEMBER 20, 2019
Isaiah 7:14, "Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel" ESV
This is the season we celebrate Christmas, God becoming man, the man Jesus. This is how one little girl explained Jesus, "Jesus is God with skin on."
"Some Bible scholars suggest there are more than 300 prophetic Scriptures completed in the life of Jesus. Circumstances such as his birthplace, lineage, and method of execution were beyond his control and could not have been accidentally or deliberately fulfilled.
In the book, "Science Speaks", Peter Stoner and Robert Newman discuss the statistical improbability of one man, whether accidentally or deliberately, fulfilling just eight of the prophecies Jesus fulfilled. The chance of this happening, they say, is 1 in 1017 power. Stoner gives an illustration that helps visualize the magnitude of such odds:
Suppose that we take 1017 silver dollars and lay them on the face of Texas. They will cover all of the state two feet deep. Now mark one of these silver dollars and stir the whole mass thoroughly, all over the state. Blindfold a man and tell him that he can travel as far as he wishes, but he must pick up one silver dollar and say that this is the right one. What chance would he have of getting the right one? Just the same chance that the prophets would have had of writing these eight prophecies and having them all come true in any one man, from their day to the present time, providing they wrote using their own wisdom.
The mathematical improbability of 300, or 44, or even just eight fulfilled prophesies of Jesus stands as evidence to his messiahship."
Taken from
We live in an age many would rather say "Happy Holidays" than Merry Christmas. Many are trying to take Jesus out of Christmas.
Please join me this this season. If someone says "Happy Holidays", respectfully answer no, it's "Merry Christmas".
Merry Christmas
This is the season we celebrate Christmas, God becoming man, the man Jesus. This is how one little girl explained Jesus, "Jesus is God with skin on."
"Some Bible scholars suggest there are more than 300 prophetic Scriptures completed in the life of Jesus. Circumstances such as his birthplace, lineage, and method of execution were beyond his control and could not have been accidentally or deliberately fulfilled.
In the book, "Science Speaks", Peter Stoner and Robert Newman discuss the statistical improbability of one man, whether accidentally or deliberately, fulfilling just eight of the prophecies Jesus fulfilled. The chance of this happening, they say, is 1 in 1017 power. Stoner gives an illustration that helps visualize the magnitude of such odds:
Suppose that we take 1017 silver dollars and lay them on the face of Texas. They will cover all of the state two feet deep. Now mark one of these silver dollars and stir the whole mass thoroughly, all over the state. Blindfold a man and tell him that he can travel as far as he wishes, but he must pick up one silver dollar and say that this is the right one. What chance would he have of getting the right one? Just the same chance that the prophets would have had of writing these eight prophecies and having them all come true in any one man, from their day to the present time, providing they wrote using their own wisdom.
The mathematical improbability of 300, or 44, or even just eight fulfilled prophesies of Jesus stands as evidence to his messiahship."
Taken from
We live in an age many would rather say "Happy Holidays" than Merry Christmas. Many are trying to take Jesus out of Christmas.
Please join me this this season. If someone says "Happy Holidays", respectfully answer no, it's "Merry Christmas".
Merry Christmas
Teach me, Jesus, to trust Your faithfulness, to know Your presence, to experience Your peace-to relax.
Eight years ago, "Giving Tuesday" was created. It was a follow-up to "Black Friday", "Small Business Saturday", and "Cyber Monday". It is a movement to create an international day of charitable giving. This is a way to benefit nonprofits at the start of the holiday season. This year "Giving Tuesday" is on December 3rd.
KB has been walking alongside men for the past 6 years as they re-enter society from incarceration. The KB board and staff think that now is the time to start walking alongside women as well. We are actively looking at different properties that could help us make this dream come true.
A financial gift towards this new ministry would express to us that you feel that this ministry is important to pursue.
Thank you for thinking and praying about this opportunity!
If you would prefer to give by check, please send your donation to:
Kingdom Boundaries Prison Aftercare
Attn. Giving Tuesday
417 S Summit Ave
Sioux Falls, SD 57104
If you have any questions, please call 605-695-0048.
Jeff & Rhonda Haverhals
KB has been walking alongside men for the past 6 years as they re-enter society from incarceration. The KB board and staff think that now is the time to start walking alongside women as well. We are actively looking at different properties that could help us make this dream come true.
A financial gift towards this new ministry would express to us that you feel that this ministry is important to pursue.
Thank you for thinking and praying about this opportunity!
If you would prefer to give by check, please send your donation to:
Kingdom Boundaries Prison Aftercare
Attn. Giving Tuesday
417 S Summit Ave
Sioux Falls, SD 57104
If you have any questions, please call 605-695-0048.
Jeff & Rhonda Haverhals
A Christian's grace-filled actions can smooth someone's path to the Savior's presence.
NOVEMBER 12, 2019
Eight years ago, "Giving Tuesday" was created. It is a follow-up to "Black Friday", "Small Business Saturday", and "Cyber Monday". It is a movement to create an international day of charitable giving. This happens at the beginning of the Christmas and holiday seasons as a way to benefit nonprofits. This year "Giving Tuesday" is on December 3rd.
Would you please consider helping us support our vision: "To lower recidivism (the return rate of inmates to prison) by fostering Christian character one person at a time"?
KB has been walking alongside men for the past 6 years as they re-enter society from incarceration. The KB board and staff think that now is the time to start walking alongside women as well. We are actively looking at different properties that could help us make this dream come true.
A financial gift towards this new ministry would express to us that you feel that this ministry is important to pursue.
Thank you for thinking and praying about this opportunity! We will send another email on November 26th with how to make your donations.
If you have any questions, please call 605-695-0048.
Jeff & Rhonda Haverhals
Would you please consider helping us support our vision: "To lower recidivism (the return rate of inmates to prison) by fostering Christian character one person at a time"?
KB has been walking alongside men for the past 6 years as they re-enter society from incarceration. The KB board and staff think that now is the time to start walking alongside women as well. We are actively looking at different properties that could help us make this dream come true.
A financial gift towards this new ministry would express to us that you feel that this ministry is important to pursue.
Thank you for thinking and praying about this opportunity! We will send another email on November 26th with how to make your donations.
If you have any questions, please call 605-695-0048.
Jeff & Rhonda Haverhals
God, as Your servants please help us to value others the way You do,
regardless of who they are or what they do.
November 1, 2019
God's Provision and Timing
Proverbs 16:3 (NIV)
Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.
It was in September of 2013 that KB had its first board meeting. It was then that we started the process of developing a ministry that would walk alongside men as they left the prison system. This ministry started with the vision of lowering recidivism (the return rate of inmates to prison) by fostering Christian character one person at a time.
I still will sit in amazement as I think how quickly the last 6 years have flown by. We started with meeting one man at the "gate" and just showing him around town. When he was able to leave CTP (Community Transitional Program), we furnished an apartment for him with the help of many of you and Justice for All in Rock Valley, IA.
As we were able, and as God has equipped us, we were able to purchase an apartment building to house men. Then again, as we were ready, he made available the apartment building directly adjacent to the first apartment building. Most recently, when we were able and ready, he made the house available next to the second apartment building.
Along with supplying these buildings, he has provided the necessary staff, board members, volunteers, and financial support to keep His ministry growing.
The board and staff are now sensing that the time might be right to consider looking for a facility to start a program which would include housing for women. As we start this process, please keep us in your prayers for the discernment that we need and want.
Whatever we accomplish we need to give God the glory! Amen
Thank you!
Jeff Haverhals - Ministry Director
Luke 14:28-30 (NIV)
"Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won't you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? For if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule you, saying, 'This person began to build and wasn't able to finish.'
Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.
It was in September of 2013 that KB had its first board meeting. It was then that we started the process of developing a ministry that would walk alongside men as they left the prison system. This ministry started with the vision of lowering recidivism (the return rate of inmates to prison) by fostering Christian character one person at a time.
I still will sit in amazement as I think how quickly the last 6 years have flown by. We started with meeting one man at the "gate" and just showing him around town. When he was able to leave CTP (Community Transitional Program), we furnished an apartment for him with the help of many of you and Justice for All in Rock Valley, IA.
As we were able, and as God has equipped us, we were able to purchase an apartment building to house men. Then again, as we were ready, he made available the apartment building directly adjacent to the first apartment building. Most recently, when we were able and ready, he made the house available next to the second apartment building.
Along with supplying these buildings, he has provided the necessary staff, board members, volunteers, and financial support to keep His ministry growing.
The board and staff are now sensing that the time might be right to consider looking for a facility to start a program which would include housing for women. As we start this process, please keep us in your prayers for the discernment that we need and want.
Whatever we accomplish we need to give God the glory! Amen
Thank you!
Jeff Haverhals - Ministry Director
Luke 14:28-30 (NIV)
"Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won't you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? For if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule you, saying, 'This person began to build and wasn't able to finish.'
Make prayer a priority, instead of a last resort.
October 15, 2019
Saturday, October 19th, 6:30 pm at the Sioux Falls Christian School
6120 S Charger Circle, Sioux Falls, SD 57108
Come hear some great contemporary Christian music by the group "Alive", and also hear
testimonials from men recently released from prison.
In addition, learn about Kingdom Boundaries and other great things happening"behind the walls" in prison!
6120 S Charger Circle, Sioux Falls, SD 57108
Come hear some great contemporary Christian music by the group "Alive", and also hear
testimonials from men recently released from prison.
In addition, learn about Kingdom Boundaries and other great things happening"behind the walls" in prison!
Then you will know the truth. And the truth will set you free." John 8:32 NIRV
October 1st, 2019
You're invited!
Fund-raising concert for KBPA
"Kingdom Boundaries Prison Aftercare"
- A faith-based non-profit -
Come hear some great contemporary Christian music by the group "Alive", and also hear testimonials from men recently released from prison.
"Alive" is a Michigan based Christian music group brought together by their love for music and worship. Each of group come from different locations, churches, and walks of life, but meet every Wednesday because of their love for God, music, and ministry.
Learn about the Kingdom Boundaries and also hear about other great things happening "behind the walls" in prison!
Saturday, October 19th, 6:30 PM
Sioux Falls Christian School
6120 S Charger Circle, Sioux Falls, SD 57108
Kingdom Boundaries Prison Aftercare (KBPA) Vision Statement:
To lower recidivism (the rate individuals go back to prison)
by fostering Christian character one person at a time.
"Kingdom Boundaries Prison Aftercare"
- A faith-based non-profit -
Come hear some great contemporary Christian music by the group "Alive", and also hear testimonials from men recently released from prison.
"Alive" is a Michigan based Christian music group brought together by their love for music and worship. Each of group come from different locations, churches, and walks of life, but meet every Wednesday because of their love for God, music, and ministry.
Learn about the Kingdom Boundaries and also hear about other great things happening "behind the walls" in prison!
Saturday, October 19th, 6:30 PM
Sioux Falls Christian School
6120 S Charger Circle, Sioux Falls, SD 57108
Kingdom Boundaries Prison Aftercare (KBPA) Vision Statement:
To lower recidivism (the rate individuals go back to prison)
by fostering Christian character one person at a time.
Dear God, give me a heart that's willing to serve You in any way. Equip me in the areas where I lack experience, and fill me with Your Spirit.
September 20, 2019
I echo the words from Ruth 1:8, "May the Lord reward you for your kindness."
Monday evening the board, staff, and residents were again given the opportunity to spend a joy filled evening with those of you that attended a Kingdom Boundaries banquet. I understand that not all of you were able to attend. We did miss you. The board with the help of former board members and staff put on another awesome meal. Thank you!
During the evening we heard testimonies from a couple of the men currently living at KB. We also watched as board member Dave Kok was presented with a coin with Ephesians 6:10-12 inscribed on it from one of our current residents, Kelly. This was done to show his personal thankfulness for Dave's friendship and help on Kelly's journey to sobriety.
During the evening there was a silent auction with several great items and a live auction with many other items that were donated. There was home made fry bread, quilts, meat, and many other items too numerous to mention. Thanks to all of you that donated and those that bid and bought these wonderful items.
A special thank you to auctioneers Mark Zomer and Ivan Huenink for their service.
Lastly, I was to give a big thank you to New Life Church for the use of your facility. It was a huge blessing to have such a great location for our banquet.
The evening was a tremendous success and was a testimony to God first (for his blessing on this His ministry), but also to all of you that have been supporting this ministry with your prayers, words of encouragement, and financial support. It is truly God's ministry. We as staff consider it a blessing to partner with you as we walk beside those that at many times, the world has forgotten.
Thank you!!!
Jeff Haverhals - Ministry Director
Monday evening the board, staff, and residents were again given the opportunity to spend a joy filled evening with those of you that attended a Kingdom Boundaries banquet. I understand that not all of you were able to attend. We did miss you. The board with the help of former board members and staff put on another awesome meal. Thank you!
During the evening we heard testimonies from a couple of the men currently living at KB. We also watched as board member Dave Kok was presented with a coin with Ephesians 6:10-12 inscribed on it from one of our current residents, Kelly. This was done to show his personal thankfulness for Dave's friendship and help on Kelly's journey to sobriety.
During the evening there was a silent auction with several great items and a live auction with many other items that were donated. There was home made fry bread, quilts, meat, and many other items too numerous to mention. Thanks to all of you that donated and those that bid and bought these wonderful items.
A special thank you to auctioneers Mark Zomer and Ivan Huenink for their service.
Lastly, I was to give a big thank you to New Life Church for the use of your facility. It was a huge blessing to have such a great location for our banquet.
The evening was a tremendous success and was a testimony to God first (for his blessing on this His ministry), but also to all of you that have been supporting this ministry with your prayers, words of encouragement, and financial support. It is truly God's ministry. We as staff consider it a blessing to partner with you as we walk beside those that at many times, the world has forgotten.
Thank you!!!
Jeff Haverhals - Ministry Director
God is always present and at work. Lord Jesus, please forgive me for the times I am prone to forget You. Help me to acknowledge Your presence in my life.
September 12, 2019
You're invited!
5th Annual Fall Banquet
Monday evening, September 16th, 5:30 pm
New Life Reformed Church, 232 16th St. SE
Sioux Center, IA 51250
You can find more information or register to come at:
or feel free just to show up.
Also feel free to invite friends, relatives, and neighbors!
Monday evening, September 16th, 5:30 pm
New Life Reformed Church, 232 16th St. SE
Sioux Center, IA 51250
You can find more information or register to come at:
or feel free just to show up.
Also feel free to invite friends, relatives, and neighbors!
By Rev. Patrick Boll "Accountability Pastor" at Kingdom Boundaries Prison Aftercare
Every person is accountable to someone. No person on earth today is without authority over them. Even Jesus was submissive to the Father and said in John 5:30 "I can do nothing on my own. I judge as God tells me. Therefore, my judgment is just, because I carry out the will of the one who sent me, not my own will". But later Jesus tells His disciples in Matthew 28:18 "I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth." The authority that Jesus now holds is supreme. (Hebrews 1)
There is no angel or man in heaven or on earth with more authority and power than our King, Jesus Christ. And He delegates that authority through men, women, the law, kings, princes and officers. We are to submit to those authorities as though we were submitting to God Himself, for there is no authority that is not from God (Romans 13).
If we have accepted the reality of authority, and God's delegated authority on earth, through certain people with certain positions, then we need to take a long hard look at accountability as well. Even King David, the KING, was instantly on his face before Nathan the prophet when confronted about his adultery with Bathsheba and subsequent murder of her husband. David knew he was accountable to God, and that God had chosen to work through the prophet Nathan to bring him to repentance and to hold him accountable.
The Lord wants good for us. He wants to bless us. But we need to be accountable to those with authority over us so that we can learn obedience to the Father through their leadership. When we learn to submit to those we are accountable to, then we will see how the Lord blesses us for it.
At Kingdom Boundaries Prison Aftercare, it is no different. I am blessed that I am able serve as the Accountability Pastor. The men that are released from prison and choose to start a new life at KBPA have taken a huge step forward in their spiritual lives by saying, "Yes" to a life of freedom in Christ. I have worked as a Correctional Officer and later as a Police Officer and have discovered that a heart change toward Jesus is the only way to truly live a free life, but we must be willing to be accountable and submitted to His authority. I am here to help.
Every person is accountable to someone. No person on earth today is without authority over them. Even Jesus was submissive to the Father and said in John 5:30 "I can do nothing on my own. I judge as God tells me. Therefore, my judgment is just, because I carry out the will of the one who sent me, not my own will". But later Jesus tells His disciples in Matthew 28:18 "I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth." The authority that Jesus now holds is supreme. (Hebrews 1)
There is no angel or man in heaven or on earth with more authority and power than our King, Jesus Christ. And He delegates that authority through men, women, the law, kings, princes and officers. We are to submit to those authorities as though we were submitting to God Himself, for there is no authority that is not from God (Romans 13).
If we have accepted the reality of authority, and God's delegated authority on earth, through certain people with certain positions, then we need to take a long hard look at accountability as well. Even King David, the KING, was instantly on his face before Nathan the prophet when confronted about his adultery with Bathsheba and subsequent murder of her husband. David knew he was accountable to God, and that God had chosen to work through the prophet Nathan to bring him to repentance and to hold him accountable.
The Lord wants good for us. He wants to bless us. But we need to be accountable to those with authority over us so that we can learn obedience to the Father through their leadership. When we learn to submit to those we are accountable to, then we will see how the Lord blesses us for it.
At Kingdom Boundaries Prison Aftercare, it is no different. I am blessed that I am able serve as the Accountability Pastor. The men that are released from prison and choose to start a new life at KBPA have taken a huge step forward in their spiritual lives by saying, "Yes" to a life of freedom in Christ. I have worked as a Correctional Officer and later as a Police Officer and have discovered that a heart change toward Jesus is the only way to truly live a free life, but we must be willing to be accountable and submitted to His authority. I am here to help.
Jesus, help me to remember that You're sovereign even over time itself,
and that You're never too late to accomplish Your perfect plans.
and that You're never too late to accomplish Your perfect plans.
September 3, 2019
Save this date!
5th Annual Fall KBPA Banquet
Monday evening, September 16th
Feel free to invite friends, relatives, and neighbors!
Monday evening, September 16th
Feel free to invite friends, relatives, and neighbors!
Jesus, I want my words and actions to match up. There are times I fall short, but my desire is to grow more consistent each day. Help me, please, so that everyone listening and watching my life will be drawn to You.
Save this date!
5th Annual Fall KBPA Banquet
Monday evening, September 16th at the New Life Reformed Church, Sioux Center, IA
Monday evening, September 16th at the New Life Reformed Church, Sioux Center, IA
God, please train my heart to desire wisdom and train my feet to walk in Your ways.
July 9, 2019
"Operation Augie"
Rhonda and I got to know August several years ago while he was still on the hill at the South Dakota Penitentiary. I knew August through a ministry called REC and Rhonda knew him through St. Dysmas. At this time Augie was searching for his place. He was starting to understand faith and his relationship with his heavenly Father.
Augie and I have reminisced about the times he didn't trust me. He had even told me that he didn't like me very much. But Augie was always willing to visit. Over time trust on both sides was given and received and we became close friends.
It was towards the end of Augie's time in prison that the idea of Kingdom Boundaries was being talked about and becoming a reality. With the help, guidance, and encouragement from Pastor Steve (Pastor of the Cornerstone Prison Church) and John, another mentor of mine, Kingdom Boundaries was established. Augie was the first to receive assistance from KB, so we unofficially called it "Operation Augie".
In June of 2013, Augie was to be released from Unit C at the penitentiary. I was supposed to be there to get him and bring him to an appointment. I had told him that I would be there and to wait for me. But Augie, being Augie, and being anxious left before I got there and had walked a long distance to his appointment.
I went to where Augie had his appointment and waited for him to get out. When he got out I could see that he had burned the top of his shaven head, and it was bright red. My first order of business was to find some Aloe Vera to cool his head.
August was a huge help when Kingdom Boundaries was getting organized. He helped me understand the anxiety of getting out of prison and what men experienced when released. We spent many hours working on a KB application and covenant agreement.
He was instrumental in getting a Bible study started at the VOA Re-entry Center and then continued it at KB. (This Bible study still continues today.)
Augie attended many of the early KB board meetings and contributed much. Augie was the 1st parolee to get permission to cross state lines and stay out of state overnight to attend a Cursillo weekend. This opened the doors for many others to do the same.
It was evident that August loved his family and missed them very much. He talked often about growing up and how he longed for the mountains and picking mushrooms. He was so excited when his sister came to visit. He loved to paint and loved to teach others to paint as well. He longed for a family and was so excited to become a father to children that were not his biological own and later to his own son.
Having told a little of Augie's story, I want to let you know that Augie passed away on June 18th. There will be a memorial service at 4 pm on Tuesday, July 9, 2019, at Life Church, 501 North Elmwood, Avenue, Sioux Falls.
Jeff Haverhals, Co-Director
** Augie was part of our first promotional video. If you want to see it, please go to: and watch the 11 minute video on the bottom.
Augie and I have reminisced about the times he didn't trust me. He had even told me that he didn't like me very much. But Augie was always willing to visit. Over time trust on both sides was given and received and we became close friends.
It was towards the end of Augie's time in prison that the idea of Kingdom Boundaries was being talked about and becoming a reality. With the help, guidance, and encouragement from Pastor Steve (Pastor of the Cornerstone Prison Church) and John, another mentor of mine, Kingdom Boundaries was established. Augie was the first to receive assistance from KB, so we unofficially called it "Operation Augie".
In June of 2013, Augie was to be released from Unit C at the penitentiary. I was supposed to be there to get him and bring him to an appointment. I had told him that I would be there and to wait for me. But Augie, being Augie, and being anxious left before I got there and had walked a long distance to his appointment.
I went to where Augie had his appointment and waited for him to get out. When he got out I could see that he had burned the top of his shaven head, and it was bright red. My first order of business was to find some Aloe Vera to cool his head.
August was a huge help when Kingdom Boundaries was getting organized. He helped me understand the anxiety of getting out of prison and what men experienced when released. We spent many hours working on a KB application and covenant agreement.
He was instrumental in getting a Bible study started at the VOA Re-entry Center and then continued it at KB. (This Bible study still continues today.)
Augie attended many of the early KB board meetings and contributed much. Augie was the 1st parolee to get permission to cross state lines and stay out of state overnight to attend a Cursillo weekend. This opened the doors for many others to do the same.
It was evident that August loved his family and missed them very much. He talked often about growing up and how he longed for the mountains and picking mushrooms. He was so excited when his sister came to visit. He loved to paint and loved to teach others to paint as well. He longed for a family and was so excited to become a father to children that were not his biological own and later to his own son.
Having told a little of Augie's story, I want to let you know that Augie passed away on June 18th. There will be a memorial service at 4 pm on Tuesday, July 9, 2019, at Life Church, 501 North Elmwood, Avenue, Sioux Falls.
Jeff Haverhals, Co-Director
** Augie was part of our first promotional video. If you want to see it, please go to: and watch the 11 minute video on the bottom.
God is at work to make us who He intends us to be.
July 2nd, 2019
Texas Team
Last week we had the privilege and the blessing of having a work team come from the Cornerstone Baptist Church in Paris, Texas. They helped Kingdom Boundaries with several different projects that needed to be done. They also helped several individuals with home maintenance projects.
Below are some pictures of the team and their work/accomplishments.In addition, last week we were able to get the roof of The Holy Spirit Inn" repaired.It was a very busy week, but a week filled with fun, accomplishments, and blessings.
Below are some pictures of the team and their work/accomplishments.In addition, last week we were able to get the roof of The Holy Spirit Inn" repaired.It was a very busy week, but a week filled with fun, accomplishments, and blessings.
Our lives speak louder than our words.
Father, help me to live in such a way that Your name will be honored wherever I go.
Father, help me to live in such a way that Your name will be honored wherever I go.
God wants to hear your heart.
May 15th, 2019
Max Lucado in his book, "Grace for the Moment" a daily devotional dated May 4, Max wrote the following.
"You will be judged in the same way that you judge others."Matthew 7:2
We condemn a man for stumbling this morning, but we didn't see the blows he took yesterday. We judge a woman for the limp in her walk, but we cannot see the tack in her shoe. We mock the fear in their eyes, but have no idea how many stones they have ducked or darts they have dodged.
Are they too loud? Perhaps they fear being neglected again. Are they too timid? Perhaps they fear failing again. Too slow? Perhaps they fell the last time they hurried. You don't know. Only one who has followed yesterday's steps can be their judge.
Not only are we ignorant about yesterday, we are ignorant about tomorrow. Dare we judge a book while chapters are yet unwritten? Should we pass a verdict on a painting while the artist still holds the brush? How can you dismiss a soul until God's work is complete? "God began doing a good work in you, and I am sure he will continue it until it is finished when Jesus Christ comes again" (Philippians 1:6).
Max Lucado
Max's words are a great reminder to me and should be to all of us. We need to be careful not to be quick to make an assumption about someone with out first getting to know them.
So many of the men that we walk along side at KB have struggled or are struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction. And many of these same men also struggle with depression and anxiety. As I visit with men in the application process I will often ask them why they used drugs or alcohol. Some say it was just too party or fit in. In some cases I think this is true. Other times I feel that this what they grew up around. It was always available and was the norm. Their parents used or drank, and they never knew anything different.
But very often, if they start to open up, I find that there is a deep-seated wound albeit sexual abuse, physical and/or verbal abuse, or a hole in their heart that is there from a parent, especially a dad, that they never knew. As a parent that has been a dad to foster kids, and having 4 adopted kits of our own, I am maybe a little more sensitive to the number of these men that grew up in the foster system with an absent parent or as an adopted child.
There are many good foster parents and parents that have adopted children. I am the first to say thank you, and good job. But even with good families, many of these children/adults still wonder why. This often leads to depression and anxiety, especially if not addressed correctly.
I can remember a time in my life, as a kid growing up, that my attitude towards those in prison was "lock them up and throw away the key. Shortly after I got married I was introduced to a neighbor of my wife's parents that talked to me about the M-2 program. This is a program that connects a man from outside prison with a man with similar interests that is incarcerated. I knew from growing up that this was highly recommended. Jesus makes this clear in Matthew 25.
After visiting with the first couple guys it came apparent to me that they were very ordinary people that made a bad choice. One that I remember quite well was a young man 20 years old. This was 35 years ago and to be honest, I don't even remember his name. But what I do remember is that he was in prison for drug abuse. He was a nice clean cut kid and very polite. He started telling me that he grew up with his mom and a stepdad. When in high school, when he came home from school there would be drugs on the kitchen table. He never had been given a good example. Mom and stepdad used, so why would it be any different for him?
Max, in his devotional, made a very valid point. A point that I have come to understand firsthand. It is a great reminder to me and should be to all of us. We need to be careful not to be quick in making an assumption about someone without first getting to know them and their story.
Many of the men that I have come to know over the years never really had an opportunity to know anything but chaos and brokenness.
Who am I to judge?
Jeff Haverhals - Ministry Director
"You will be judged in the same way that you judge others."Matthew 7:2
We condemn a man for stumbling this morning, but we didn't see the blows he took yesterday. We judge a woman for the limp in her walk, but we cannot see the tack in her shoe. We mock the fear in their eyes, but have no idea how many stones they have ducked or darts they have dodged.
Are they too loud? Perhaps they fear being neglected again. Are they too timid? Perhaps they fear failing again. Too slow? Perhaps they fell the last time they hurried. You don't know. Only one who has followed yesterday's steps can be their judge.
Not only are we ignorant about yesterday, we are ignorant about tomorrow. Dare we judge a book while chapters are yet unwritten? Should we pass a verdict on a painting while the artist still holds the brush? How can you dismiss a soul until God's work is complete? "God began doing a good work in you, and I am sure he will continue it until it is finished when Jesus Christ comes again" (Philippians 1:6).
Max Lucado
Max's words are a great reminder to me and should be to all of us. We need to be careful not to be quick to make an assumption about someone with out first getting to know them.
So many of the men that we walk along side at KB have struggled or are struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction. And many of these same men also struggle with depression and anxiety. As I visit with men in the application process I will often ask them why they used drugs or alcohol. Some say it was just too party or fit in. In some cases I think this is true. Other times I feel that this what they grew up around. It was always available and was the norm. Their parents used or drank, and they never knew anything different.
But very often, if they start to open up, I find that there is a deep-seated wound albeit sexual abuse, physical and/or verbal abuse, or a hole in their heart that is there from a parent, especially a dad, that they never knew. As a parent that has been a dad to foster kids, and having 4 adopted kits of our own, I am maybe a little more sensitive to the number of these men that grew up in the foster system with an absent parent or as an adopted child.
There are many good foster parents and parents that have adopted children. I am the first to say thank you, and good job. But even with good families, many of these children/adults still wonder why. This often leads to depression and anxiety, especially if not addressed correctly.
I can remember a time in my life, as a kid growing up, that my attitude towards those in prison was "lock them up and throw away the key. Shortly after I got married I was introduced to a neighbor of my wife's parents that talked to me about the M-2 program. This is a program that connects a man from outside prison with a man with similar interests that is incarcerated. I knew from growing up that this was highly recommended. Jesus makes this clear in Matthew 25.
After visiting with the first couple guys it came apparent to me that they were very ordinary people that made a bad choice. One that I remember quite well was a young man 20 years old. This was 35 years ago and to be honest, I don't even remember his name. But what I do remember is that he was in prison for drug abuse. He was a nice clean cut kid and very polite. He started telling me that he grew up with his mom and a stepdad. When in high school, when he came home from school there would be drugs on the kitchen table. He never had been given a good example. Mom and stepdad used, so why would it be any different for him?
Max, in his devotional, made a very valid point. A point that I have come to understand firsthand. It is a great reminder to me and should be to all of us. We need to be careful not to be quick in making an assumption about someone without first getting to know them and their story.
Many of the men that I have come to know over the years never really had an opportunity to know anything but chaos and brokenness.
Who am I to judge?
Jeff Haverhals - Ministry Director
Lord, help me to keep my eyes on You when I feel upset by other people.
Protect me, guide me, and help me to trust You in every situation.
Protect me, guide me, and help me to trust You in every situation.
May 1st, 2019
Hebrews 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.
I have again been reminded in the last couple weeks of "The sin that so easily entangles." I had to terminate a gentleman for smoking pot in one of the apartments. Another resident got arrested and charged with a DWI. It is times like this that I wonder what is going on? Why can't men get past their old life and the sin that so easily entangles.
And then I see a Facebook post entitled "Every Careless Word" pertaining to Matthew 12:36 "But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgement for every empty word they have spoken." And then I think, why can't I get past the sin that easily entangles. Sin is sin, no matter what category we humans put them in.
Please continue to be in prayer for the men, board and staff of KBPA. It is the prayers of "the great cloud of witnesses" that will be heard by our Father and sustain us all as we walk alongside fellow brothers and sisters, no matter their past.
Thank you for all the prayers and your support.
Lord, may I respond in obedience and share Your love with others as You have loved me - God's love restores.
There are really no words to express how much I would like to thank Kingdom Boundaries for accepting and allowing me to be part of this ministry. From day one of being here I have always felt welcome, and that I belonged, and that this is where I needed to be at this time of my life.
I came into Kingdom Boundaries with very little belief in any type of religion, and they knew this. This is because I laid everything out on the table for them from day one. As time went on, I have slowly started to believe that there is/can be something/someone looking out for me. That is a great feeling!
I can honestly say I have enjoyed going to Bible studies KB has going on. Before coming to KB, if you would have asked me to attend anything that had to do with church or talking about religion of any kind, I would have laughed in your face. But that is not how I have felt while I have been here. I do believe I will attend church while out on my own because I need that in my life.
As for the people that work here, there are also no works to express my gratitude to all of them for being so kind and understanding in my beliefs. They have never looked down on me for any reason. So from the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank Pastor Jeff, Pastor Mark, Rhonda, and Kevin for being such wonderful human beings to me. Without all of you, I know where I would be right now in my life, and that is somewhere I never want to be again.
I came into Kingdom Boundaries with very little belief in any type of religion, and they knew this. This is because I laid everything out on the table for them from day one. As time went on, I have slowly started to believe that there is/can be something/someone looking out for me. That is a great feeling!
I can honestly say I have enjoyed going to Bible studies KB has going on. Before coming to KB, if you would have asked me to attend anything that had to do with church or talking about religion of any kind, I would have laughed in your face. But that is not how I have felt while I have been here. I do believe I will attend church while out on my own because I need that in my life.
As for the people that work here, there are also no works to express my gratitude to all of them for being so kind and understanding in my beliefs. They have never looked down on me for any reason. So from the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank Pastor Jeff, Pastor Mark, Rhonda, and Kevin for being such wonderful human beings to me. Without all of you, I know where I would be right now in my life, and that is somewhere I never want to be again.
April 2, 2019
Roofing Repairs
Last December Kingdom Boundaries Aftercare was blessed to be able to purchase a third property adjacent to "The Carpenter's Shop" and the "The Master's House". The "Holy Spirit Inn" was purchased at a reduced rate knowing that the roof needed repair. We are now in the process of taking bids to have this roof repaired. The initial estimate was around $12,000. (As of now, we are unsure if the sheeting under the shingles needs to be replaced.)
In addition, the board has decided to have one of our garage roofs repaired. The cost for this will be around $1,500.
There are a couple of reasons for writing about this at this time.
Jeff Haverhals - Ministry Director
In addition, the board has decided to have one of our garage roofs repaired. The cost for this will be around $1,500.
There are a couple of reasons for writing about this at this time.
- The cost of these endeavors would be reduced if we had some volunteer help. Please let us know if you are interested in helping.
- Secondly, if you would be interested in contributing financially, you can send a check marked as "roofing project" in the memo line or hit the donate button to make an online donation specifically for this need.
Jeff Haverhals - Ministry Director
The best reason for hope is God's faithfulness.
Dear God, help me trust You today even when I can't see what You are doing. You are faithful.
Dear God, help me trust You today even when I can't see what You are doing. You are faithful.
March 19th, 2019
Hello! My name is Kevin and I am privileged to be a new staff member at Kingdom Boundaries Prison Aftercare (KBPA). The process of becoming more involved at KBPA started two years ago. (But even before that, God has been preparing me for this.) My background includes mission work in India and Romania. I have also been involved with Christian non-profits in the area. All have included helping people that were hurting.
In the spring of 2017 I was involved with the M2 inmate mentoring program at the South Dakota state penitentiary. The man that I was visiting at that time knew about KBPA. He suggested that I look into KBPA, thinking that I would enjoy helping out there. It sounded interesting to me, so I contacted Jeff and arranged a meeting to learn more about the KBPA program.
Almost immediately I got involved as a volunteer helping with informational emails and website design. During this time, I got to know Jeff and Rhonda and their hearts, and their leading to help men getting out of prison transition back into society. Also, I was able to meet many of the residents while spending time at KBPA.
Now I have been given the opportunity to help more at KBPA. I'm excited to be able to help with some of the administrative things here that will allow the other staff to spend more time with one-on-one ministry. I am also looking forward to getting to know the guys that go through here and help them in any way I can.
As you can see, getting involved here has been a process. It is great to see how God how shown His will to me and allowed me to serve at KBPA.
Kevin Hagen
In the spring of 2017 I was involved with the M2 inmate mentoring program at the South Dakota state penitentiary. The man that I was visiting at that time knew about KBPA. He suggested that I look into KBPA, thinking that I would enjoy helping out there. It sounded interesting to me, so I contacted Jeff and arranged a meeting to learn more about the KBPA program.
Almost immediately I got involved as a volunteer helping with informational emails and website design. During this time, I got to know Jeff and Rhonda and their hearts, and their leading to help men getting out of prison transition back into society. Also, I was able to meet many of the residents while spending time at KBPA.
Now I have been given the opportunity to help more at KBPA. I'm excited to be able to help with some of the administrative things here that will allow the other staff to spend more time with one-on-one ministry. I am also looking forward to getting to know the guys that go through here and help them in any way I can.
As you can see, getting involved here has been a process. It is great to see how God how shown His will to me and allowed me to serve at KBPA.
Kevin Hagen
God patiently directs us as we trust Him and listen for His voice.
Father, You've promised to guide us through the ups and downs and decisions we face in life. Help us to trust and follow You, and to actively listen for Your guiding voice.
Father, You've promised to guide us through the ups and downs and decisions we face in life. Help us to trust and follow You, and to actively listen for Your guiding voice.
March 5th, 2019
Growth & Change
Kingdom Boundaries Prison Aftercare (KBPA) continues to grow and expand. In 2013 KBPA was established with the idea of assisting men as they left the prison system. We would simply meet them at the gate and plug them into existing programs that were currently operating in the area.
It soon became apparent that the lack of safe suitable housing was a large deterrent to the success of men re-entering society. KBPA started with a single room in a motel for 3 men. God has blessed KBPA. It has now grown and is able to offer housing for up to 22 men. Since starting the housing portion of the ministry, KBPA has provided housing for 135 plus men. It has also assisted many others with other types of support in these few short years.
It is because of this that the current staff has not been able to keep up with the needs of the individuals that are seeking help. To better serve men as they leave the prison system and possibly start a program for women, KBPA has hired Kevin Hagen on a part-time basis.
Kevin's position will be office manager. He will help and assist Rhonda, Mark, and myself. This will free up time for us which will allow us to spend more time with the residents and with those supporting KBPA.
There will be more about Kevin in our next email.
Thank you for your prayers and support!
Jeff Haverhals - Ministry Director
It soon became apparent that the lack of safe suitable housing was a large deterrent to the success of men re-entering society. KBPA started with a single room in a motel for 3 men. God has blessed KBPA. It has now grown and is able to offer housing for up to 22 men. Since starting the housing portion of the ministry, KBPA has provided housing for 135 plus men. It has also assisted many others with other types of support in these few short years.
It is because of this that the current staff has not been able to keep up with the needs of the individuals that are seeking help. To better serve men as they leave the prison system and possibly start a program for women, KBPA has hired Kevin Hagen on a part-time basis.
Kevin's position will be office manager. He will help and assist Rhonda, Mark, and myself. This will free up time for us which will allow us to spend more time with the residents and with those supporting KBPA.
There will be more about Kevin in our next email.
Thank you for your prayers and support!
Jeff Haverhals - Ministry Director
February 2, 2019
Cursillo Weekend
Soon, another Cursillo weekend will be getting underway. The leadership team has been meeting and planning for what again will be two weekends of spiritual growth and transformation. This will be true for those who serve at Cursillo, and especially true for the candidates that attend.
I would like to thank all of you that work very hard to make sure this event continues year after year. Also, thank you to all of you have been willing and able to sponsor candidates. This too, is a big commitment.
Kingdom Boundaries is excited that there are men at KB that are looking forward to this event. They have been blessed to be a part of Brothers In Blue (BIB) weekends while incarcerated. They now look forward to attending Cursillo.
When asked what Cursillo is, I will often say it is BIB on steroids. This has those that can attend to look forward to the Cursillo weekend with great excitement. So thank you to all that have made a BIB and/or an "At The Well" weekend happen. (They mean more than you know for the men and women behind the walls that attend these.)
Please continue to be in prayer for these kinds of spiritual enrichment events. Also, pray for those that are looking outside of themselves and to Jesus for peace in their lives. Lastly, would you consider walking alongside KB in sharing in the cost of sponsoring the men from KB?
If you have any questions, please contact me at 605-695-0048.
Thanks you!
Jeff Haverhals - Ministry Director
I would like to thank all of you that work very hard to make sure this event continues year after year. Also, thank you to all of you have been willing and able to sponsor candidates. This too, is a big commitment.
Kingdom Boundaries is excited that there are men at KB that are looking forward to this event. They have been blessed to be a part of Brothers In Blue (BIB) weekends while incarcerated. They now look forward to attending Cursillo.
When asked what Cursillo is, I will often say it is BIB on steroids. This has those that can attend to look forward to the Cursillo weekend with great excitement. So thank you to all that have made a BIB and/or an "At The Well" weekend happen. (They mean more than you know for the men and women behind the walls that attend these.)
Please continue to be in prayer for these kinds of spiritual enrichment events. Also, pray for those that are looking outside of themselves and to Jesus for peace in their lives. Lastly, would you consider walking alongside KB in sharing in the cost of sponsoring the men from KB?
If you have any questions, please contact me at 605-695-0048.
Thanks you!
Jeff Haverhals - Ministry Director
You won't stumble in the dark if you walk in the light of God's Word.
Father, please fill my heart with Your Word so I can have the light I need for today!
Father, please fill my heart with Your Word so I can have the light I need for today!
From a Resident at KB
My name is Chris Thu. I became a resident at Kingdom Boundaries Prison Aftercare (KBPA) in June 2018. I enjoy Kingdom Boundaries because it is providing that needed Christian assistance and guidance which allows me to remain out of prison. KBPA ministry is helping me to grow in the love and grace of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. (They offer weekly bible studies for all KBPA residents.)
I struggled with alcoholism and drugs before going to prison. My drug addiction and prison time led me to losing my family and living on the streets. I didn't have any spiritual life before going to prison. My family rarely attended church. My time in prison was a hard time because I missed my family and children. (While in prison, a person can lose all freedom and have no contact with the outside.) In prison I was fortunate to have a cellmate that was a Christian. My cellmate invited me to church services and bible studies which led to my relationship with Jesus Christ. While in prison I also attended Brothers in Blue and experienced the grace and love of God.
Today, I have full-time job in Sioux Falls. I am currently attending Restoration Church in Sioux Falls. My goals while at Kingdom Boundaries is return to my family and find my own apartment in Sioux Falls. I would like to thank individuals and churches supporting the ministry of Kingdom Boundaries. I would like to thank the KBPA staff for being available to me when needed during both the difficult times, and good times. Thanks also to KBPA board members for dedicating your time to this ministry. My hope is found in Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior.
I struggled with alcoholism and drugs before going to prison. My drug addiction and prison time led me to losing my family and living on the streets. I didn't have any spiritual life before going to prison. My family rarely attended church. My time in prison was a hard time because I missed my family and children. (While in prison, a person can lose all freedom and have no contact with the outside.) In prison I was fortunate to have a cellmate that was a Christian. My cellmate invited me to church services and bible studies which led to my relationship with Jesus Christ. While in prison I also attended Brothers in Blue and experienced the grace and love of God.
Today, I have full-time job in Sioux Falls. I am currently attending Restoration Church in Sioux Falls. My goals while at Kingdom Boundaries is return to my family and find my own apartment in Sioux Falls. I would like to thank individuals and churches supporting the ministry of Kingdom Boundaries. I would like to thank the KBPA staff for being available to me when needed during both the difficult times, and good times. Thanks also to KBPA board members for dedicating your time to this ministry. My hope is found in Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior.
January 8th, 2019
Philippians 3:13-14 "Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."
Happy New Years to everyone! On the first of year many people will set new resolutions or goals for the coming year of 2019. Those New Year's resolutions are tradition for many in both the Western world and Eastern world. A resolution is when a person decides to change something like a trait or behavior, achieve a personal goal, or wanting to make improvements in their life.
Today the five most popular resolutions are to lose weight, quit smoking, get organized, get out of debt, and find a better a job. A study has shown that 88% of those set resolutions will fail. This study suggested setting small measurable goals rather than unrealistic goals.
All residents are required to complete an application when coming to Kingdom Boundaries. In the application the applicant is asked to list their goals for one month, three months, six months, one year, and two years. The Kingdom Boundaries ministry is designed to assist these individuals in reaching these goals. These goals can be achieved by staying focused on their relationship with Jesus Christ.
Another key element in reaching these goals is by having contact with a mentor. (A mentor is someone that can provide advice, a listening ear and encouragement.) The KBPA staff are able to provide this service and assistance for the residents, but still need help from individuals or area churches. KBPA would like thank those individuals or churches for being mentors to those men or women in prison and residents at Kingdom Boundaries Prison Aftercare.
You and I also have goals for this coming year. Yes, we can achieve our goals by setting small measure goals. We also need Christian mentors to keep us accountable to reaching our goals. We all have different goals this year. God called us to a goal of heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Please contact KBPA staff if you would like more information about mentoring or assisting a resident. You can also visit our website for information about our ministry and clicking on "Get Involved." Thanks for all your prayers, encouragement and support for this coming year. In this coming year we look forward to continuing assisting men being released from prison walls to the freedom found Christ's boundaries.
Mark Van Der Brink
Happy New Years to everyone! On the first of year many people will set new resolutions or goals for the coming year of 2019. Those New Year's resolutions are tradition for many in both the Western world and Eastern world. A resolution is when a person decides to change something like a trait or behavior, achieve a personal goal, or wanting to make improvements in their life.
Today the five most popular resolutions are to lose weight, quit smoking, get organized, get out of debt, and find a better a job. A study has shown that 88% of those set resolutions will fail. This study suggested setting small measurable goals rather than unrealistic goals.
All residents are required to complete an application when coming to Kingdom Boundaries. In the application the applicant is asked to list their goals for one month, three months, six months, one year, and two years. The Kingdom Boundaries ministry is designed to assist these individuals in reaching these goals. These goals can be achieved by staying focused on their relationship with Jesus Christ.
Another key element in reaching these goals is by having contact with a mentor. (A mentor is someone that can provide advice, a listening ear and encouragement.) The KBPA staff are able to provide this service and assistance for the residents, but still need help from individuals or area churches. KBPA would like thank those individuals or churches for being mentors to those men or women in prison and residents at Kingdom Boundaries Prison Aftercare.
You and I also have goals for this coming year. Yes, we can achieve our goals by setting small measure goals. We also need Christian mentors to keep us accountable to reaching our goals. We all have different goals this year. God called us to a goal of heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Please contact KBPA staff if you would like more information about mentoring or assisting a resident. You can also visit our website for information about our ministry and clicking on "Get Involved." Thanks for all your prayers, encouragement and support for this coming year. In this coming year we look forward to continuing assisting men being released from prison walls to the freedom found Christ's boundaries.
Mark Van Der Brink
We can model Christ's love by doing what we can to serve others.