December 30th, 2020
We have been truly blessed in 2020. Despite Covid, we have continued to stay full or at near our capacity of 22 men. Eight residents have successfully made the transition into their own apartments, with others looking for housing. We continued to meet every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for bible study.
Also, when churches were closed, we would meet in the conference room and worship together via Zoom. One Sunday a month in June through October we held a worship service in the garage behind the Master's House. Pastor Jason (Livingstone) and Tim Wendt supplied the messages. With churches closed it was nice to get together for worship, fellowship, and a meal.
Tim Wendt has joined the staff of KB and has been a true blessing. As staff, along with the board, we are continuing to explore options for expanding this ministry to include women. We have looked at a few apartment buildings, but nothing seems to be a good fit.
KBPA has decided to consider building a new facility that would expand our capacity to approximately 40 men and 20 women. It would include offices, conference rooms, and a possible worship center. For this to become a reality, we will be exploring fundraising ideas, building designs, and locations.
Please pray for the board and staff in this exciting time as we begin 2021. We need your prayers for guidance (open and closed doors) and the needed finances to accomplish this potential new and expanded ministry.
With you, serving Christ!
Jeff Haverhals - Ministry Director
Also, when churches were closed, we would meet in the conference room and worship together via Zoom. One Sunday a month in June through October we held a worship service in the garage behind the Master's House. Pastor Jason (Livingstone) and Tim Wendt supplied the messages. With churches closed it was nice to get together for worship, fellowship, and a meal.
Tim Wendt has joined the staff of KB and has been a true blessing. As staff, along with the board, we are continuing to explore options for expanding this ministry to include women. We have looked at a few apartment buildings, but nothing seems to be a good fit.
KBPA has decided to consider building a new facility that would expand our capacity to approximately 40 men and 20 women. It would include offices, conference rooms, and a possible worship center. For this to become a reality, we will be exploring fundraising ideas, building designs, and locations.
Please pray for the board and staff in this exciting time as we begin 2021. We need your prayers for guidance (open and closed doors) and the needed finances to accomplish this potential new and expanded ministry.
With you, serving Christ!
Jeff Haverhals - Ministry Director
God, thank You for sparking new life in what appeared to be dead.
Continue to work in me, that I might share Your saving love with others.
December 16th, 2020
Philippians 2:6 - 8
Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal's death on a cross.
2020 has been a chaotic year to say the least. The corona virus has the world in a panic and awfully confused. It is safe to go to large department stores, but little stores are not safe. Churches were required to close, but it was okay to meet outside shoulder to shoulder and burn down buildings.
The country is split and there seems to be no plan to bring the two sides back together. One word I have not heard used to describe 2020 is messy, but it indeed was and still is.
At KBPA we continue to see men struggle with addictions and the pain of relationships that have fallen apart because there were outside of God's boundaries. In addition, there has been Covid-19 and all the difficulties that are associated with it. It has been a messy year!!
But isn't it for this very reason we celebrate Christmas? Jesus left heaven and came to earth. He left a clean, comfortable, non-chaotic, peaceful, wonderful place and came into a messy world. And are we not glad he did? Please watch the video by "The Skit Guys". As we celebrate Christmas let us never forget the reason for the season.
Jeff Haverhals - Ministry Director
The country is split and there seems to be no plan to bring the two sides back together. One word I have not heard used to describe 2020 is messy, but it indeed was and still is.
At KBPA we continue to see men struggle with addictions and the pain of relationships that have fallen apart because there were outside of God's boundaries. In addition, there has been Covid-19 and all the difficulties that are associated with it. It has been a messy year!!
But isn't it for this very reason we celebrate Christmas? Jesus left heaven and came to earth. He left a clean, comfortable, non-chaotic, peaceful, wonderful place and came into a messy world. And are we not glad he did? Please watch the video by "The Skit Guys". As we celebrate Christmas let us never forget the reason for the season.
Jeff Haverhals - Ministry Director
God, I thank You for being with me always-in good times and bad.
December 1st, 2020
Nine years ago, "Giving Tuesday" was created. It is a follow-up to "Black Friday", "Small Business Saturday", and "Cyber Monday". It is a movement to create an international day of charitable giving.
Please join us for Giving Tuesday to raise $6,200.
This will be for sponsorship of 200 days of resident stay at KBPA.
(Cost per day is $31.)
Please join us for Giving Tuesday to raise $6,200.
This will be for sponsorship of 200 days of resident stay at KBPA.
(Cost per day is $31.)
I was a self-serving person before I went to prison and I did not know why God never gave me what I asked for.
When I went to prison I truly felt alone until I sincerely prayed to God to give me His peace to help me through, and he did. After release from prison Kingdom Boundaries accepted me and helped me achieve a level of awareness of my place in life and His Kingdom. I will one day be a self-employed business owner. I will give thanks and do give thanks to God for everything I have. |
My life before prison was no life. My story is one of rejection and loneliness being passed from foster homes to adolescent treatment centers. This was it until I was eighteen. I was never fitting in, never gaining true friends, and never belonging anywhere.
Prison life was a "purgatory" of which I had plenty of time to think upon my life and what I needed to value most. I had already accepted God at a young age, but like the Prodigal Son I was caught in my world. I have no one here. No one except Kingdom Boundaries. I feel accepted. In the future I want to find my own life, my own identity in Christ, and my own family. I want to finally live the life God has given me for Him. My testimony is not a happy one. I am living proof that through God, the world will never crush you. |
Mighty God, please help me place You first and give You my best.
Nine years ago, "Giving Tuesday" was created. It is a follow-up to "Black Friday", "Small Business Saturday", and "Cyber Monday". It is a movement to create an international day of charitable giving.
Please join us for Giving Tuesday to raise $6,200.
This will be for sponsorship of 200 days of resident stay at KBPA.
(Cost per day is $31.)
Please join us for Giving Tuesday to raise $6,200.
This will be for sponsorship of 200 days of resident stay at KBPA.
(Cost per day is $31.)
For most of my life I have been in and out of the system. Every single placement I have been in has not really addressed the reasons on "why" I have been making mistakes. I have been an addict for 12 years.
Kingdom Boundaries Prison Aftercare has shown me the reasons why I keep making mistakes and are actively assisting me with guidance to the answers. However, every time I go through a realization, they give the glory to God. There is a sense of love and compassion that I have never encountered before, here at KB. For the 1st time in my life I have a positive environment where guys with the same passion to do better are helping me.
Kingdom Boundaries Prison Aftercare has shown me the reasons why I keep making mistakes and are actively assisting me with guidance to the answers. However, every time I go through a realization, they give the glory to God. There is a sense of love and compassion that I have never encountered before, here at KB. For the 1st time in my life I have a positive environment where guys with the same passion to do better are helping me.
This is my 2nd time here. My first go-around was short-lived. I think I was not ready for the love and grace offered by God. I believe what I have learned here is truly life improving.
On a daily basis I struggle with anxiety, worry, and bitterness. This stems from not knowing what tomorrow will bring. However, if I truly believe that God has a specific plan for me, then why am I worried?
If I simply tell myself "This is what God wants me to do, and this is His plan", then all my anxiety and worry are non-existent. Instead of saying to myself "tomorrow is going to suck", saying "this is where God wants me to be", brings a kind of peace to my Spirit.
At that point, it is almost like I welcome tomorrow knowing that everything is already planned. I'm just here doing what my Father wants me to do is comforting.
On a daily basis I struggle with anxiety, worry, and bitterness. This stems from not knowing what tomorrow will bring. However, if I truly believe that God has a specific plan for me, then why am I worried?
If I simply tell myself "This is what God wants me to do, and this is His plan", then all my anxiety and worry are non-existent. Instead of saying to myself "tomorrow is going to suck", saying "this is where God wants me to be", brings a kind of peace to my Spirit.
At that point, it is almost like I welcome tomorrow knowing that everything is already planned. I'm just here doing what my Father wants me to do is comforting.
Dear Father, thank You for giving me what I don't deserve. You have forgiven my sins and provided a way for me
to be reconciled to You through the gift of Your Son. Help me to always be grateful for Your grace.
to be reconciled to You through the gift of Your Son. Help me to always be grateful for Your grace.
Father in Heaven, please help me to believe that You're always working in the background
doing far more-and much better-than I know or understand.
OCTOBER 13TH, 2020
From now until the unforeseeable future more people than ever will be doing a lot of their purchases on-line. This will be especially true for the upcoming holiday season.
AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon that lets you enjoy the same wide selection of products as a regular Amazon account. The only difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, you can designate 0.5% of the purchase price to KBPA. (You can use your existing Amazon account on AmazonSmile.) If you don't have an Amazon account, you can create an AmazonSmile account.
The first time you log into AmazonSmile ( you will be prompted to select a charitable organization. This organization will receive donations from your eligible purchases. When you select Kingdom Boundaries Prison Aftercare, Amazon will remember your selection. After that,every eligible purchase you make on AmazonSmile will result in a donation to KBPA.
Please consider using AmazonSmile as a non-cash way of helping Kingdom Boundaries Prison Aftercare. Your participation in this program will help men that are re-entering society after prison.
Thank you for your consideration of this opportunity!
AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon that lets you enjoy the same wide selection of products as a regular Amazon account. The only difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, you can designate 0.5% of the purchase price to KBPA. (You can use your existing Amazon account on AmazonSmile.) If you don't have an Amazon account, you can create an AmazonSmile account.
The first time you log into AmazonSmile ( you will be prompted to select a charitable organization. This organization will receive donations from your eligible purchases. When you select Kingdom Boundaries Prison Aftercare, Amazon will remember your selection. After that,every eligible purchase you make on AmazonSmile will result in a donation to KBPA.
Please consider using AmazonSmile as a non-cash way of helping Kingdom Boundaries Prison Aftercare. Your participation in this program will help men that are re-entering society after prison.
Thank you for your consideration of this opportunity!
There is nothing more I desire, Lord Jesus, than to walk closely with you - my Savior and my Lord.
The COVID-19 crisis has produced many unprecedented situations in our nation. While many of those situations are adverse - you may not know that in the CARES Act there are great benefits and incentives that can stretch your charitable giving.
- Gifts up to $300 are now 100% deductible even for those using the standard deduction. This means that you can deduct up to $300 whether you itemize your deductions or not. Contributions by cash, credit card, or check are eligible; however, gifts of stock are not.
- For donors making major gift donations, the maximum deduction is raised to 100%. Previously individuals could deduct up to 60% of their adjusted gross income (AGI) for charitable deductions of cash (not gifts of stock). The stimulus package allows individuals to deduct up to 100% of their AGI in 2020. This is helpful for donors making major gift donations and makes it possible to eliminate federal tax burden entirely. In addition, donations in excess of AGI may be carried over for up to five additional years.
- Corporations have greater incentive to make charitable gifts. Previously charitable giving for a corporation has been limited to 10% of taxable income. The limit has been increased to 25% of taxable income, making charitable gifts more attractive to business donors.
September 29th, 2020

Hello! My name is Tim Wendt. I have recently moved from a part-time to a full-time staff position here at Kingdom Boundaries Prison Aftercare (KBPA). I have lived at KBPA since June of 2019 when released from Mike Durfee State Prison (MDSP), located in Springfield, South Dakota.
After spending Christmas behind the razor wire for 19 years, life on the outside has been a huge adjustment, to say the least. If it were not for Kingdom Boundaries things may have turned out much differently. I am thankful to report however, that by God's grace and my continued obedience to His Word, my life is going smoothly. I am prospering and enjoying life on this side of the fence. God has been incredibly good in providing in so many ways, many of which have been completely unexpected.
While in prison I attended Moody Bible Institute and received a Bachelor of Science in Biblical Studies and Ministry. I also earned a master's degree in Christian Counseling and am currently working on a doctorate's degree in the same. My role at KBPA is that of "Discipleship Chaplain." I will be helping recently released inmates adjust and plan for life on the outside.
My focus will be to help residents develop a personalized and life-long discipleship plan. This plan involves one-on-one discipleship and mentoring. It will identify individual strengths, areas needing development, short/long-term goals, and spiritual gifts. In addition, a vision statement will be developed (much like an organization's mission statement). The goal of this ministry is not only to create something that is personalized but help institute an intentional effort of discipleship thus resulting in a maturing Christlike lifestyle.
After much study and personal experience with individual discipleship, it is quite evident that the Scriptures call for an intentional discipling process. This process eventually leads to those being discipled to discipling others. Discipling people in prison and those just being released is a unique mission field. My experience of 19 years of incarceration and prison ministry has provided useful insight in this area.
After spending Christmas behind the razor wire for 19 years, life on the outside has been a huge adjustment, to say the least. If it were not for Kingdom Boundaries things may have turned out much differently. I am thankful to report however, that by God's grace and my continued obedience to His Word, my life is going smoothly. I am prospering and enjoying life on this side of the fence. God has been incredibly good in providing in so many ways, many of which have been completely unexpected.
While in prison I attended Moody Bible Institute and received a Bachelor of Science in Biblical Studies and Ministry. I also earned a master's degree in Christian Counseling and am currently working on a doctorate's degree in the same. My role at KBPA is that of "Discipleship Chaplain." I will be helping recently released inmates adjust and plan for life on the outside.
My focus will be to help residents develop a personalized and life-long discipleship plan. This plan involves one-on-one discipleship and mentoring. It will identify individual strengths, areas needing development, short/long-term goals, and spiritual gifts. In addition, a vision statement will be developed (much like an organization's mission statement). The goal of this ministry is not only to create something that is personalized but help institute an intentional effort of discipleship thus resulting in a maturing Christlike lifestyle.
After much study and personal experience with individual discipleship, it is quite evident that the Scriptures call for an intentional discipling process. This process eventually leads to those being discipled to discipling others. Discipling people in prison and those just being released is a unique mission field. My experience of 19 years of incarceration and prison ministry has provided useful insight in this area.
This discipleship/vision plan is also being accomplished at MDSP. This provides excellent continuity and a bridge for those being released to KBPA. If KBPA residents have not come from MDSP, then the process can begin here and continue after they leave.
It is interesting how much effort goes into systematic, written, organized and goal orientated plans for business organizations, institutions, etc. There must be something to all of that. However, one does not usually find the same time spent in developing an individual plan to become more like Christ. The scriptures are not silent in this area. They give us a multitude of direct and/or implied guidance to not only make disciples, but to do so in an organized, biblical, and prayed over effort. Although we are to make plans, we must also be listening for any additional guidance and changes from the Lord. This includes not becoming proud but having a humble and dependent attitude of the Lord's enabling grace.
Those who help others make changes in their lives are known by many names. Some examples are mentor, life-coach, sponsor, counselor, therapist, encourager, accountability partner, etc. The Bible calls this person a discipler and this process is a group effort. Biblical discipleship is helping others to become more like Christ, which is the primary goal of this ministry.
Please keep our residents in prayer so that they can become Christ-like and develop into valuable contributing members of our communities. Pray also for myself as I take on this responsibility of discipling and mentoring. Thank you!
Those who help others make changes in their lives are known by many names. Some examples are mentor, life-coach, sponsor, counselor, therapist, encourager, accountability partner, etc. The Bible calls this person a discipler and this process is a group effort. Biblical discipleship is helping others to become more like Christ, which is the primary goal of this ministry.
Please keep our residents in prayer so that they can become Christ-like and develop into valuable contributing members of our communities. Pray also for myself as I take on this responsibility of discipling and mentoring. Thank you!
September 16th, 2020
I echo the words from Ruth 1:8, "May the Lord reward you for your kindness."
Monday evening the board, staff, and residents were again given the opportunity to spend a joy filled evening with those of you that attended the Kingdom Boundaries banquet. I understand that not all of you were able to attend. (We did miss you.) The board with the help of former board members and staff put on another awesome meal. Thank you!
During the evening we heard testimonies from a couple of the men currently living at KBPA. Also, there was a silent auction and a live auction with many great items that were donated. There were blankets, pictures, meat, and many other items too numerous to mention. Thanks to all of you that donated and those that bid and bought these wonderful items.
A special thank you to auctioneer Ivan Huenink and his wife Teresa for their service.
Also, I want to give a big thank you to Faith Reformed Church for the use of their facility. It was a huge blessing to have such a great location for our banquet.
The evening was a tremendous success and was a testimony to God (for his blessing on this His ministry). I want to give a big thank you to all of you that have been supporting this ministry with your prayers, words of encouragement, and financial support. It is truly God's ministry. We as staff consider it a blessing to partner with you as we walk beside those that at many times, the world has forgotten.
Thank you!!!
Jeff Haverhals - Ministry Director
Monday evening the board, staff, and residents were again given the opportunity to spend a joy filled evening with those of you that attended the Kingdom Boundaries banquet. I understand that not all of you were able to attend. (We did miss you.) The board with the help of former board members and staff put on another awesome meal. Thank you!
During the evening we heard testimonies from a couple of the men currently living at KBPA. Also, there was a silent auction and a live auction with many great items that were donated. There were blankets, pictures, meat, and many other items too numerous to mention. Thanks to all of you that donated and those that bid and bought these wonderful items.
A special thank you to auctioneer Ivan Huenink and his wife Teresa for their service.
Also, I want to give a big thank you to Faith Reformed Church for the use of their facility. It was a huge blessing to have such a great location for our banquet.
The evening was a tremendous success and was a testimony to God (for his blessing on this His ministry). I want to give a big thank you to all of you that have been supporting this ministry with your prayers, words of encouragement, and financial support. It is truly God's ministry. We as staff consider it a blessing to partner with you as we walk beside those that at many times, the world has forgotten.
Thank you!!!
Jeff Haverhals - Ministry Director
Thank You, Father, for making Yourself accessible to me despite Your great power, holiness, and overwhelming presence.
September 1st, 2020
You're invited to KBPA's 6th Annual Fall Banquet!
Come learn about the Kingdom Boundaries Prison Aftercare ministry and get updates
about what has happened during the last year and plans for the future!
Monday, September 14th
Faith Reformed Church
1305 7th St. Rock Valley, IA 51247
Fellowship time and silent auction: 5:30-6:30 pm.
Dinner, testimonials, live auction and a ministry update: 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Please RSVP Rhonda @ 605-695-0059 or email [email protected] or
register on-line at
Feel free to invite neighbors, friends, and family members.
They will be blessed!
about what has happened during the last year and plans for the future!
Monday, September 14th
Faith Reformed Church
1305 7th St. Rock Valley, IA 51247
Fellowship time and silent auction: 5:30-6:30 pm.
Dinner, testimonials, live auction and a ministry update: 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Please RSVP Rhonda @ 605-695-0059 or email [email protected] or
register on-line at
Feel free to invite neighbors, friends, and family members.
They will be blessed!
Dear God, help me embrace my need for You today that You might draw me closer, like a child, to Your heart.
August 4th, 2020
Len, a current resident at Kingdom Boundaries
I came to Kingdom Boundaries on the recommendation from a pastor friend. He said that Kingdom Boundaries would be a great start to my reentry. Since I have been here, the kindness, camaraderie, and overall help to get me back on my feet has been exceptional.
What I had in the way of belongings were all lost during my incarceration. Kingdom Boundaries provided for my needs in this area. All their assistance has greatly aided in my transition back to being a contributing member of society.
Kingdom Boundaries has helped me stay focused on the Word, Bible studies, and church. This was always in my plan, but I feel like I could not have done it without help.
Kingdom Boundaries has helped me feel comfortable, get my debt caught up, and helped me become integrated in a church family. I feel all my needs have been met. I am back to a career employment, looking forward to seeing family, and finally seeing the light at the end of a long tunnel.
Thank you,
What I had in the way of belongings were all lost during my incarceration. Kingdom Boundaries provided for my needs in this area. All their assistance has greatly aided in my transition back to being a contributing member of society.
Kingdom Boundaries has helped me stay focused on the Word, Bible studies, and church. This was always in my plan, but I feel like I could not have done it without help.
Kingdom Boundaries has helped me feel comfortable, get my debt caught up, and helped me become integrated in a church family. I feel all my needs have been met. I am back to a career employment, looking forward to seeing family, and finally seeing the light at the end of a long tunnel.
Thank you,
God's love for us offers us the sense of belonging and identity we all crave.
July 7th, 2020
John & Mary Van Zanten

I am not sure when I first met John and Mary, but I think it was on a Friday night some years ago while attending a Cornerstone Church worship service on the "Hill." (The "Hill" is South Dakota's main prison in Sioux Falls.)
There are times when someone will ask "How did you get to know this person or that person", and quite often I can say, "we met in prison." Over the years I have met many good people in prison, both those that are residents and those that are volunteers. John and Mary were of course volunteers, and over the years I have had the privilege of working alongside of them.
John was a very instrumental when Kingdom Boundary Prison Aftercare was getting established in 2013. He was KBPA's 1st board president. After a couple years John felt it important to step back and let someone else have that position, but he stayed on the board for the next several years. John recently retired from the board, but he stays in contact, calls occasionally, and always is a voice of encouragement.
Mary rarely missed a meeting that John attended. She sat quietly and listened and like John, always was and continues to be a voice of encouragement. Over the past few years, I have talked with many men on the inside. Many of them will mention how much they appreciated both John and Mary for faithfully attending the Friday night services on the Hill.
John, with Mary's encouragement and support, has also been instrumental in many other ministries over the years. I know I am not aware of them all, but a few that I know of are Hope Haven, Cornerstone, and Metalcraft Industries.
John and Mary, I want to say thank you for the time you invested in KBPA. The rest of the staff and board of KBPA also want to say thank you. In addition, I am sure that if given the opportunity there are countless others that would say thank you as well. You are both good examples "of being a servant" to the rest of us.
It is rare to see a couple like John and Mary. They both give so much and always give all the credit to God.
God bless and again thank you.
Jeff Haverhals - Ministry Director
*** We would also like to congratulate John and Mary on their 70th wedding anniversary that they celebrated on July 3.
You, God, are always showering me with Your gifts of love. I praise You for caring for me.
With our new life in Christ we have been given a new purpose.
June 9, 2020
There is a woman on YouTube (Jukin Media)[1] that makes an announcement from home giving safety measures against Covid-19. She starts out by saying "The rules are very clear, so let us go over them again. First you must not go out of the house for any reason unless you have a reason, then you may leave the house. All stores are closed, except those that are open ......."
She goes on spelling out rules (guidelines) that in the end seem silly and contradict each other. There is a lot of different opinions or guidelines out there, but which ones are accurate?
Maybe this should not surprise me, but people do the same with religion and what we put our faith in. People worldwide will ask a similar question as the religious leader asked Jesus "Teacher, what good deed must I do to have eternal life?" or in other words, "what do I have to do to be saved"? There are as many opinions and as much confusion to this question as there is to Covid-19.
I would dare say that this epidemic has left many wondering what the answer is to this very question. Isn't it awesome that the Christian faith has the answer? Jesus -- "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and we will be saved."
Heidelberg Q&A #1
Q. What is your only comfort in life and in death?
A. That I am not my own,
but belong-body and soul, in life and in death to my faithful Savior, Jesus Christ. He has fully paid for all my sins with his precious blood and has set me free from the tyranny of the devil. He also watches over me in such a way that not a hair can fall from my head without the will of my Father in heaven; in fact, all things must work together for my salvation. Because I belong to him, Christ, by his Holy Spirit, assures me of eternal life and makes me wholeheartedly willing and ready from now on to live for him.
Thank you Father, that you so loved the world that you sent Jesus. Thank you Jesus, for being obedient.
Jeff Haverhals
She goes on spelling out rules (guidelines) that in the end seem silly and contradict each other. There is a lot of different opinions or guidelines out there, but which ones are accurate?
Maybe this should not surprise me, but people do the same with religion and what we put our faith in. People worldwide will ask a similar question as the religious leader asked Jesus "Teacher, what good deed must I do to have eternal life?" or in other words, "what do I have to do to be saved"? There are as many opinions and as much confusion to this question as there is to Covid-19.
I would dare say that this epidemic has left many wondering what the answer is to this very question. Isn't it awesome that the Christian faith has the answer? Jesus -- "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and we will be saved."
Heidelberg Q&A #1
Q. What is your only comfort in life and in death?
A. That I am not my own,
but belong-body and soul, in life and in death to my faithful Savior, Jesus Christ. He has fully paid for all my sins with his precious blood and has set me free from the tyranny of the devil. He also watches over me in such a way that not a hair can fall from my head without the will of my Father in heaven; in fact, all things must work together for my salvation. Because I belong to him, Christ, by his Holy Spirit, assures me of eternal life and makes me wholeheartedly willing and ready from now on to live for him.
Thank you Father, that you so loved the world that you sent Jesus. Thank you Jesus, for being obedient.
Jeff Haverhals
Give God thanks for being your hiding place today. Father, the world around me can feel threatening,
overwhelming, and dangerous. But You give me peace, strength, and help.
Our lives are a window through which others can see Jesus. = Please, God, draw us close to You. Fill us with Your Spirit of love and joy and peace. Enable us to be a shining light in our world.
May 12, 2020
At the age of 18 I was sent to prison for 20 years. In that time, I missed a lot. Things like births, deaths, graduations, and all the other ups and downs in life my family experienced without me.
My life was contained in a 5 by 9 cage, so I settled in for the long haul. While inside I got my GED, got a job, went to church services and Bible studies, and fell into a routine and felt comfortable.
Then, about 2 years from my initial parole, I started to get scared. I was not sure where I was going to go or what I was going to do, or how I was going to get there. All this uncertainty really made me nervous as my date got nearer. So, I prayed for help and I prayed for guidance.
After that, people started to mention that I should look into Kingdom Boundaries. So I did and was excepted into the program with open arms. The help this program provides was and is an answer to prayer.
I highly recommend it to anyone who is serious about their relationship with God and getting their life back on track. I hope and pray that everyone has the opportunity to be a part of this program. Also, I can't wait to be in a position in life to give back to this ministry.
My life was contained in a 5 by 9 cage, so I settled in for the long haul. While inside I got my GED, got a job, went to church services and Bible studies, and fell into a routine and felt comfortable.
Then, about 2 years from my initial parole, I started to get scared. I was not sure where I was going to go or what I was going to do, or how I was going to get there. All this uncertainty really made me nervous as my date got nearer. So, I prayed for help and I prayed for guidance.
After that, people started to mention that I should look into Kingdom Boundaries. So I did and was excepted into the program with open arms. The help this program provides was and is an answer to prayer.
I highly recommend it to anyone who is serious about their relationship with God and getting their life back on track. I hope and pray that everyone has the opportunity to be a part of this program. Also, I can't wait to be in a position in life to give back to this ministry.
We are in the best place we can imagine when we go to God in prayer. Father, our hope is in You.
Forgive us for seeking answers apart from You. Draw us close to You today.
April 28th, 2020
At one of our weekly Bible studies some of the KB residents were sharing their thoughts concerning Kingdom Boundaries.
The following are some of their comments:
Tim - Discipleship Chaplain
The following are some of their comments:
- Kingdom Boundaries has been a good help in resources to help me transition back into society - Bernie
- I have felt welcomed and cared about by staff and others - Mark
- There are good opportunities to help others here at Kingdom Boundaries - Nick
- There is much more here than I expected .... being around like-minded people who trust in the Word. Staff have been very helpful and kind - Len
- Before Kingdom Boundaries my life had not really started yet - Kaleb
- Even though one makes a few mistakes, you still feel welcomed - KB resident
- It it were not for Kingdom Boundaries, the transition from prison would have been very difficult at best - KB resident
Tim - Discipleship Chaplain
Thank You, God, for Your faithfulness
April 20th, 2020
Thank you!
On Friday, I put out a request for games that would help our residents endure this difficult time. The warm weather has made it difficult for the guys to stay home. There is just not much for the guys to do around here.
I am so pleased to let you know that several of you have come forward with outdoor games and equipment. We have all we need at this time. The guys are very thankful. And........... there are a few more things coming in today. The men are so BLESSED!
Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of the request for games. I am sure the men will remember your actions and enjoy the outdoor games for a long time.
Lastly, as you probably already are..... please continue to pray for the end of this Covid 19 situation that is negatively affecting so many lives and families.
Have a blessed week!
I am so pleased to let you know that several of you have come forward with outdoor games and equipment. We have all we need at this time. The guys are very thankful. And........... there are a few more things coming in today. The men are so BLESSED!
Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of the request for games. I am sure the men will remember your actions and enjoy the outdoor games for a long time.
Lastly, as you probably already are..... please continue to pray for the end of this Covid 19 situation that is negatively affecting so many lives and families.
Have a blessed week!
The best reason for hope is God's faithfulness.
Dear God, help me trust You today even when I can't see what You are doing. You are so faithful.
April 17th, 2020
Can you help?
The Covid 19 virus is definitely affecting all of us. All the time we are now spending at home is a challenge. We miss church and we miss time spent with family and friends.
This affects our residents as well. We have encouraged the men to limit their time away from their apartments for their safety. But this is hard for them, especially with the warmer weather upon us.
If possible, we would like to help the guys endure this difficult time by providing some things for them to do to pass the time. We would like to ask if anyone has some games that can be donated to Kingdom Boundaries. Following is a list of things that would help, but if you have other things, please feel free to let me know.
This affects our residents as well. We have encouraged the men to limit their time away from their apartments for their safety. But this is hard for them, especially with the warmer weather upon us.
If possible, we would like to help the guys endure this difficult time by providing some things for them to do to pass the time. We would like to ask if anyone has some games that can be donated to Kingdom Boundaries. Following is a list of things that would help, but if you have other things, please feel free to let me know.
Corn Hole
Ladder Golf
If you have a game you can part with, please contact me at: 605-695-0048. It would be a huge blessing for our guys.
Jeff Haverhals - Ministry Director
Jeff Haverhals - Ministry Director
Teach me, God, what it means to live by Your riches today. You possess all I truly need!
April 14th, 2020
Kingdom Boundaries Prison Aftercare's
Board of Directors
Board of Directors
From left to right:
Jeff Person - Sioux Falls, SD
Marv Vos - Sioux Falls, SD - Treasure
Pete Attema - Le Mars, IA - President
Pastor Bobbie Herting, Sioux Falls, SD
Jason Hiemstra - Sioux Falls, SD
Gloria Kok - Platte, SD - Secretary
Verlyn Van Regenmorter - Sioux Center, IA - Vice President
Dave Roskam - Sioux Center, IA
Dave Kok - Platte, SD
I would like to thank all of the board members for their help and commitment to the Kingdom Boundary Prison Aftercare program.
This ministry would not be able to continue without the help of the board and the help of our donors.
Jeff Haverhals - Ministry Director
Jeff Person - Sioux Falls, SD
Marv Vos - Sioux Falls, SD - Treasure
Pete Attema - Le Mars, IA - President
Pastor Bobbie Herting, Sioux Falls, SD
Jason Hiemstra - Sioux Falls, SD
Gloria Kok - Platte, SD - Secretary
Verlyn Van Regenmorter - Sioux Center, IA - Vice President
Dave Roskam - Sioux Center, IA
Dave Kok - Platte, SD
I would like to thank all of the board members for their help and commitment to the Kingdom Boundary Prison Aftercare program.
This ministry would not be able to continue without the help of the board and the help of our donors.
Jeff Haverhals - Ministry Director
We have had a generous donor bless Kingdom Boundaries with a high quality camera and equipment (lights, remote microphone, etc). In addition, we have the needed software to edit photos and videos.
The issue is that our staff has limited experience in photography. We would like to do a better job of getting high quality photos and/or videos (testimonies) of our residents. Pictures and videos would help us explain our vision to those that know little about Kingdom Boundaries. It would also help us tell our ever continuing story to those that are familiar with KB.
KB would be so blessed if we could find one or more individuals that could help us with taking pictures and doing video for us, and possibly do editing. If you or anyone you know would be interested in helping with this, please contact Kevin at KB.
Thank you for your consideration of this opportunity!
The issue is that our staff has limited experience in photography. We would like to do a better job of getting high quality photos and/or videos (testimonies) of our residents. Pictures and videos would help us explain our vision to those that know little about Kingdom Boundaries. It would also help us tell our ever continuing story to those that are familiar with KB.
KB would be so blessed if we could find one or more individuals that could help us with taking pictures and doing video for us, and possibly do editing. If you or anyone you know would be interested in helping with this, please contact Kevin at KB.
Thank you for your consideration of this opportunity!
The best gift you can give to others may be your time.
God, I'm so grateful that, through Jesus, things that controlled me in the past can indeed remain in the past.
MARCH 17TH, 2020
"And I will be your Father, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty." 2nd Corinthians 6:18
A couple weekends ago I had the opportunity to attend a weekend call "Wild at Heart." A weekend that lead us to think about deep things in our lives; wounds, attacks from the devil, and what lies we accepted as truth. We talked about our need as men is to be the hero, provider, fixer, when this isn't our job at all. It is to be a son; it is to walk alongside a Father that we cannot be. Alongside a Father that wants us to be a son that comes to Him for advice, help, comfort, affirmation, and restoration.
My earthly father was the best father he knew how to be, I can never remember getting a spanking from him. But there was something missing, he wasn't a perfect father, nor am I, for we are not perfect people because of the genetic sin nature we are all born with. But we do have a Father that is perfect and is inviting us to be His daughters and sons.
Again, I had a great dad and I believe many of the men in prison would not probably be incarcerated if they had a father like I had. But a lot of the men I have talked to have, among many things, have a feeling of being abandoned. They also have been abused or have been severely physically punished by their earthly father. This can affect a person in a variety of ways, but I believe it is a contributing factor that leads to a life of drugs and alcohol. It is the desire of the devil "to kill, steal, and destroy" our relationship with our Father in Heaven. It is our relationship with God as our Father that he hates the most.
But we do have a Father that is perfect, and He is inviting us to be His daughters and sons, a good Father that loves us unconditionally. He invites all of us, despite our imperfections, to be His daughters and sons and call Him Abba, "Daddy." A hard thing for many, because of a tendency to relate God as a Father the way we see our earthy fathers. "And I will be your Father, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty." 2nd Corinthians 6:18.
An absolute truth. "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32
Jeff Haverhals - Director
A couple weekends ago I had the opportunity to attend a weekend call "Wild at Heart." A weekend that lead us to think about deep things in our lives; wounds, attacks from the devil, and what lies we accepted as truth. We talked about our need as men is to be the hero, provider, fixer, when this isn't our job at all. It is to be a son; it is to walk alongside a Father that we cannot be. Alongside a Father that wants us to be a son that comes to Him for advice, help, comfort, affirmation, and restoration.
My earthly father was the best father he knew how to be, I can never remember getting a spanking from him. But there was something missing, he wasn't a perfect father, nor am I, for we are not perfect people because of the genetic sin nature we are all born with. But we do have a Father that is perfect and is inviting us to be His daughters and sons.
Again, I had a great dad and I believe many of the men in prison would not probably be incarcerated if they had a father like I had. But a lot of the men I have talked to have, among many things, have a feeling of being abandoned. They also have been abused or have been severely physically punished by their earthly father. This can affect a person in a variety of ways, but I believe it is a contributing factor that leads to a life of drugs and alcohol. It is the desire of the devil "to kill, steal, and destroy" our relationship with our Father in Heaven. It is our relationship with God as our Father that he hates the most.
But we do have a Father that is perfect, and He is inviting us to be His daughters and sons, a good Father that loves us unconditionally. He invites all of us, despite our imperfections, to be His daughters and sons and call Him Abba, "Daddy." A hard thing for many, because of a tendency to relate God as a Father the way we see our earthy fathers. "And I will be your Father, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty." 2nd Corinthians 6:18.
An absolute truth. "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32
Jeff Haverhals - Director
Our lives are a window through which others can see Jesus.
Please, God, draw us close to You. Fill us with Your Spirit of love and joy and peace. Enable us to be a shining light in our world.
Please, God, draw us close to You. Fill us with Your Spirit of love and joy and peace. Enable us to be a shining light in our world.
March 3rd, 2020
Written by Eddie - recent KBPA resident
Dear Jeff, KBPA staff, and supporters,
I want to thank you for everything you have done for me. Without you guys, I wouldn't be as successful as I am today.
I'm sorry that I wasn't the greatest resident, but I've been truly blessed with so many things in life. Because of Kingdom Boundaries I see life in a different way. I want so much more in life as I've drawn closer to God and have developed a relationship with Him.
I can't say this enough, but thank you for everything and giving me an opportunity to be a resident here.
I want to thank you for everything you have done for me. Without you guys, I wouldn't be as successful as I am today.
I'm sorry that I wasn't the greatest resident, but I've been truly blessed with so many things in life. Because of Kingdom Boundaries I see life in a different way. I want so much more in life as I've drawn closer to God and have developed a relationship with Him.
I can't say this enough, but thank you for everything and giving me an opportunity to be a resident here.
God, thank You for graciously giving us mentors who can show us by example how to live for You,
and thank You for giving us Your Son, the only perfect model of faith.
and thank You for giving us Your Son, the only perfect model of faith.
Written by George - current KBPA resident
As I was in prayer this morning, I was thinking about what to do for a devotional thought and 2nd Timothy chapter 3 came to mind. Verse 16 + 17 are two of the most important verses in all the Bible. "All scripture is breathed out by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God maybe complete, equipped for every good work."
Wow! When I hear people say that Bible verses were for that time and not for now, I cringe because of scriptures like this. All 66 books of the Bible are important! That's why it's important for us to know what God's Word says.
I encourage you all today to be in the word. Open your Bibles and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you. The Bible is our instruction book. When you are struggling, turn to God in prayer and open his word. If you don't know where to start, just ask someone from the church or one of your Christian friends like me ��...
We all are in this together. Like the scripture says all scripture is breathed out by God! All scripture is profitable! This means that every single verse in the Bible can be utilized in our lives!
The four things that are listed in this verse are self-explanatory, but we tend to forget how important is to learn daily from God. So use the Word for teaching! Use the Word for reproof! Use the Word for correction! And use the Word for training in righteousness! So that you my brothers and sisters can be complete! And I love this word "thoroughly equipped" for every good work!
What amazing instructions for us today! Have a great day and God bless you!
As I was in prayer this morning, I was thinking about what to do for a devotional thought and 2nd Timothy chapter 3 came to mind. Verse 16 + 17 are two of the most important verses in all the Bible. "All scripture is breathed out by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God maybe complete, equipped for every good work."
Wow! When I hear people say that Bible verses were for that time and not for now, I cringe because of scriptures like this. All 66 books of the Bible are important! That's why it's important for us to know what God's Word says.
I encourage you all today to be in the word. Open your Bibles and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you. The Bible is our instruction book. When you are struggling, turn to God in prayer and open his word. If you don't know where to start, just ask someone from the church or one of your Christian friends like me ��...
We all are in this together. Like the scripture says all scripture is breathed out by God! All scripture is profitable! This means that every single verse in the Bible can be utilized in our lives!
The four things that are listed in this verse are self-explanatory, but we tend to forget how important is to learn daily from God. So use the Word for teaching! Use the Word for reproof! Use the Word for correction! And use the Word for training in righteousness! So that you my brothers and sisters can be complete! And I love this word "thoroughly equipped" for every good work!
What amazing instructions for us today! Have a great day and God bless you!
Teach me, God, what it means to live by your riches today. You possess all I truly need!
We have had a generous donor bless Kingdom Boundaries with a high quality camera and equipment (lights, remote microphone, etc). In addition, we have the needed software to edit photos and videos.
The issue is that our staff has limited experience in photography. We would like to do a better job of getting high quality photos and/or videos (testimonies) of our residents. Pictures and videos would help us explain our vision to those that know little about Kingdom Boundaries. It would also help us tell our ever continuing story to those that are familiar with KB.
KB would be so blessed if we could find one or more individuals that could help us with taking pictures and doing video for us, and possibly do editing. If you or anyone you know would be interested in helping with this, please contact us!
Thank you for your consideration of this opportunity!
The issue is that our staff has limited experience in photography. We would like to do a better job of getting high quality photos and/or videos (testimonies) of our residents. Pictures and videos would help us explain our vision to those that know little about Kingdom Boundaries. It would also help us tell our ever continuing story to those that are familiar with KB.
KB would be so blessed if we could find one or more individuals that could help us with taking pictures and doing video for us, and possibly do editing. If you or anyone you know would be interested in helping with this, please contact us!
Thank you for your consideration of this opportunity!
God gives us second chances.