Watch a variety of videos...
from promos to testimonies to
messages from our staff and more!
(There are even more videos on our YouTube channel!)
from promos to testimonies to
messages from our staff and more!
(There are even more videos on our YouTube channel!)
Our Newest Keloland TV Commercial EVER!
Our 1st Keloland TV Commercial!
With the help of Keloland News production team we made a 30-second commercial, to be aired between March 21st & July 16th, 2023! You can see our commercial here, on our YouTube, Facebook & our website...OR...if you are in the Sioux Empire, you can tune into the Keloland station!
KB featured on Keloland Living
On January 6, 2023 two of Kingdom Boundaries staff, Jeff Haverhals and Tim Wendt, were interviewed on an episode of Keloland Living, a local, 1-hr community show highlighting life around the Sioux Falls area!
Promotional Videos
KB's New Promo - '23 (FULL - 11:17)
KB's New Promo - '23 (medium - 5:16)
KB's New Promo - '23 (short - 3:37)
Intro & Testimonies - 2018 (6 min)
Introduction to KB - 2015 (4 min)
KB Overview - 2015 (11 min)
1-minute Resident Testimonials
Chris (1 min)
George (1 min)
(30-seconds or less)
KB Staff
Stephan Harrison, our Public Relations guy, shares his story or brokenness, forgiveness & redemption
at a high school in Iowa...and a banquet for the Living Stone/Freedom's Gate churches.
at a high school in Iowa...and a banquet for the Living Stone/Freedom's Gate churches.
Timothy Bariteau (KB's Digital Media guy) shares his heart in various videos.
'22: Ryan's Testimony (10 min)
'22: Kris's Testimony (5 min)
'21: Blair's Testimony (6 min)
'21: Miranda's Testimony (2:30 min)
'21: Will's Testimony (3:30 min)
KB on the News!
Local Sioux Falls news station did a story on us in July '19 (2 min)